Industry Panels

Insurtech Insights Europe 2024 - Cyber Crime Set to Reach All-Time High: Driving Awareness & Accessibility for SMEs
Future Identity Festival 2023 - What's next for AI innovation in cybersafety?

Invited Talks

Avast Research Lab - Digital Identity Research - Scene Setting and Selected Challenges
Fraunhofer AISec - USP Day 2022 - Will Identity Wallets Provide User-Centred Privacy?
University of Bonn (Privacy and Security in Ubiquitous Computing Group) - Trusted Identity and Distributed Ledger Technology
Bournemouth University (Department of Computing and Informatics) - Understanding Crowdsourcing and CCTV
University College London (Information Security Group) - A Research Agenda for Usable Security
UK Payments Council - Financial Services and Technologies for people on a low income
Glasgow Caledonian University (Interactive and Trustworthy Technologies Group) - From Usable Security to Experience-centred Security
Royal Holloway (Information Security Group) - Usable Privacy and Security at the Culture Lab
University of York (HCI group) - Designing Multi-touch Interaction
Microsoft Research Cambridge (Socio-Digital Systems Group. Now called Human Experience and Design Group) - Usable Security
Tsinghua University (Institute of HCI and Media Integration) - “Graphical Passwords and Image Processing”
Nokia Research (Trustworthy Communications and Identities group) - Field Trial of a Mobile User Authentication System

Technical Program Committee Membership

Workshop on Blockchain Dependability (WBD 2019) (at 38th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems - Program Committee
Workshop on Blockchain Dependability (WBD 2018) (at 14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) - Program Committee
CHI 2017 - Associate Chair (AC)
CHI 2016 - Associate Chair (AC)
CHI 2015 - Associate Chair (AC)
SOUPS 2015 - Program Committee
Workshop on Middleware for a Smarter Use of Electric Energy (MidSEE) (at NetSys 2015) - Program Committee
MobileHCI 2014 - Posters Program Committee
Workshop on Inconspicuous Interaction (at CHI 2014) - Program Committee
TRUST 2013 - Program Committee (Socio-technical strand)
MobileHCI 2013 - Posters Program Committee
Designing Interactive Secure Systems (workshop at BCS HCI 2012) - Program Committee
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use (at Pervasive 2012)
- Program Committee
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use (at Pervasive 2011) - Program Committee
LocalTrust 2010 (workshop at IFIPTM 2010) - Program Committee

Workshop/Conference Organisation

HCI for Blockchain: Studying, Designing, Critiquing and Envisioning Distributed Ledger Technologies (at ACM CHI 2018) - Workshop Organiser
Health, Wealth and Identity Theft: designing and evaluating usable privacy and security mechanisms for online happiness (at BCS HCI 2011) - Workshop Organiser
New Security Paradigms Workshop 2015 - Publicity Chair
British HCI 2014 - Work in Progress co-chair
Mobile HCI 2013 - Tutorial co-chair
Pervasive 2012 - Poster co-chair
DIS 2012 - Student Volunteer co-chair